
Data Coverage by Country (Import/Export)

How TradeMagellan can help you Grow your Export Import Business ?


Identify Reliable Suppliers and Buyers

Share your keywords—whether it's a company name, product category, HS code, or country—and we'll generate a customized list of potential partners, helping you find the best match from thousands of suppliers and buyers.


Deliver Company-Centric Analysis

We create comprehensive trade profiles for each company, offering valuable insights into their import/export activities, product preferences, supply chain networks, and other essential trade details. All gathered in one place.


Track and Surpass the Competition

What are your competitors importing and selling? Who are their buyers and suppliers? Trade Intelligence we offer will answer your questions. Simply check the company analysis section to stay ahead of your competitors.


Mitigate Risk in International Trade

Are you still depending exclusively on B2B platforms like Alibaba? It's time to enhance your trading efficiency and minimize your risks. Our data empowers you to verify trustworthy buyers and sellers with confidence.

How are we different from other platforms ?

Industry-leading data support, convenient search options, and all features designed to facilitate your global trade expansion.

Overview of TradeMagellan Key Features

  • 15 Selected Authentic Customs & Shipping Data Sources
  • Buyers & Suppliers in 220+ Countries and Regions
  • Monthly, Weekly, or Daily Updates
  • Visualized Data that Tells a Story
  • Explore In-Depth with Your Free Account
  • Flexible, Cost-effective Plans

Find Suppliers and Buyers Through HS Codes

Company Directory by Country/Region

United States (2,636,644)

Ecuador (1,183,832)

India (188,909)

Panama (106,112)

Mexico (77,706)

Philippines (73,328)

Bolivia (68,696)

China (60,580)

United Kingdom (56,676)

United Arab Emirates (47,010)

Indonesia (46,484)

Canada (45,917)

Costa Rica (45,096)

Peru (40,560)

Germany (39,597)

Spain (36,399)

Australia (35,814)

Nepal (34,040)

France (26,786)

Italy (24,671)

Korea (24,586)

The Dominican Rep. (24,485)

Uruguay (24,069)

Colombia (23,945)

Japan (23,827)

Saudi Arabia (20,995)

Netherlands (20,877)

Singapore (20,307)

Malaysia (18,336)

Cuba (17,090)

Chile (16,808)

Brazil (16,721)

Bangladesh (16,410)

Vietnam (15,638)

Turkey (15,162)

Venezuela (14,911)

Bhutan (14,345)

Thailand (14,288)

Belgium (13,733)

Rwanda (13,390)