
1905 - Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers'wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products:


Total H.S.code(6-digit)


Total Buyers


Import Country/Region


Total Amount(USD)

HS Code 1905 Import Value (Latest Year, USD)

Share of Import Value in Total (Latest Year)

Top20 Country/Region

United States (3392)

Philippines (1090)

India (898)

United Arab Emirates (852)

Australia (848)

Singapore (782)

Panama (761)

Canada (726)

Bhutan (725)

Malaysia (713)

Costa Rica (680)

Uruguay (633)

United Kingdom (524)

Indonesia (485)

Maldives (465)

Chile (462)

East Timor (423)

New Zealand (421)

Mexico (415)

Paraguay (373)

Saudi Arabia (297)

Peru (283)

Hong Kong(China) (247)

China (235)

Ecuador (222)

Colombia (217)

Netherlands (217)

Korea (216)

Qatar (213)

Rwanda (212)

Kuwait (188)

Tanzania (188)

Nepal (186)

Japan (177)

Taiwan(China) (175)

Burundi (167)

Bolivia (158)

South Africa (157)

Oman (149)

Bahrain (148)

Nigeria (142)

Thailand (120)

Venezuela (114)

Cuba (111)

Germany (105)

Vietnam (104)

Kenya (88)

Brunei (82)

Cambodia (81)

Spain (80)

Italy (79)

Mauritius (78)

The Dominican Rep. (76)

Sri Lanka (75)

Israel (69)

Papua New Guinea (69)

Mozambique (67)

Togo (66)

American Samoa (66)

Aruba (61)

Ghana (61)

Guatemala (61)

Angola (59)

Guinea (59)

Micronesia (59)

Uganda (58)

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (55)

Yemen (55)

El Salvador (54)

Fiji (53)

Guam (53)

Nicaragua (53)

Seychelles (53)

France (51)

Somalia (50)

Ireland (48)

Bangladesh (47)

Iraq (46)

Cameroon (45)

Madagascar (43)

Brazil (42)

Liberia (42)

Gambia (38)

Switzerland (38)

Honduras (36)

Lebanon (36)

Mongolia (35)

Senegal (35)

Zambia (35)

Denmark (34)

Benin (33)

Sweden (33)

Vanuatu (33)

Russia (32)

Sierra Leone (31)

Solomon Islands (31)

Burma (30)

Norway (29)

Jordan (28)

Marshall Islands (28)

Pakistan (27)

Puerto Rico (27)

Sudan (27)

Northern Mariana Islands (25)

Kiribati (23)

Libya (23)

Poland (22)

Trinidad and Tobago (22)

Turkey (22)

Chad (21)

Gabon (20)

Jamaica (20)

Haiti (18)

Tonga (18)

Cote D'Ivoire (18)

Argentina (17)

Belgium (17)

Guyana (17)

Macao(China) (17)

Cyprus (16)

Malta (16)

Burkina Faso (15)

Surinam (15)

Botswana (14)

Greece (14)

Georgia (13)

Belize (12)

Cayman Islands (11)

Comoros (11)

Djibouti (11)

Kyrgyzstan (11)

Namibia (11)

Antigua and Barbuda (11)

Palau (11)

Barbados (10)

Ethiopia (10)

Malawi (10)

Reunion (10)

Czech Republic (9)

Finland (9)

Mauritania (9)

Portugal (9)

Equatorial Guinea (8)

Hungary (8)

Palestine (8)

Egypt (7)

Laos (7)

Virgin Islands (U.S.) (7)

Armenia (6)

Belarus (6)

Estonia (6)

Morocco (6)

Afghanistan (5)

Martinique (5)

Iran (4)

Saint Lucia (4)

Niger (4)

Saint Vincent And The Grenadines (4)

French Polynesia (4)

Austria (3)

The Republic of Cabo Verde (3)

Christmas Island (3)

French Guiana (3)

Grenada (3)

New Caledonia (3)

British Virgin Islands (3)

Mayotte (3)

Bahamas (2)

Guadeloupe (2)

Iceland (2)

Saint Kitts and Nevis (2)

Lithuania (2)

Tuvalu (2)

Uzbekistan (2)

Kosovo (2)

Azerbaijan (1)

Bermuda (1)

Croatia (1)

Kazakhstan (1)

Lesotho (1)

Luxembourg (1)

Nauru (1)

Romania (1)

Slovenia (1)

Syria (1)

Tajikistan (1)

Tunisia (1)

Ukraine (1)

Zimbabwe (1)

Serbia (1)

Buyers in Country/Region

  • Deli In The Plaza
    Solomon Islands
  • Rane Enterprises
    United States
  • Lbb Import INC.
    United States
  • Sam Services
    United States
  • Flora Fine Foods
    United States
  • Pan Asia Sea And Air
    United States
  • Jakker Trading Sdn Bhd
  • Siva Godandaraman
  • Fasmugoo
  • Today Co Ltd
  • Sj Express Import Export CO., Ltd
  • Lulu Saudi Hypermarket Company
    Saudi Arabia
  • Nanjing Puyuan Nanjing Zhongpu Food
  • Walong Marketing INC.
    United States
  • Walong Marketing INC.
    United States
  • Jaksh International General
    United Arab Emirates
  • Toko Pinrang Runcit Dan Borong
  • Mgl Distribution Co Ltd
  • Kok Leng Enterprise Sdn Bhd
  • Doroty Kere
    Papua New Guinea
  • Bauducco Foods INC.
    United States
  • Despana Brand Foods
    United States
  • Nusra Mart
  • H S S Confectionery Foodstuff Sdn Bhd
  • Gourmet Foods International Company
  • Mr Cho Minhyeong
  • M H 2 Enterprise
  • Kosis Rei Trading Co Ltd
    Hong Kong(China)
  • First Direct Trading Co
  • Gupta Brothers Grocery